C.T.R. Riomalo. Carretera de Coria, 1. 10624 Riomalo de Abajo. Las Hurdes. Cáceres. España. Tels: 927 434 020 / 03
Webs: www.lashurdes-sierradefrancia.com www.lashurdes.com. E-mail: riomalo@lashurdes-sierradefrancia.com
Across the Alagón, in lands of Salamanca and term of Sotoserrano, lies the depopulated village of Cabaloria, a beautiful place located over the river, in a hillside. Between the river and the houses, there is a large olive grove that almost touches the shores of Alagón.
People say that before building the reservoir of Gabriel y Galán, the lands of Cabaloria, close to the river, were excellent for wheat production, which is curious in a slightly suitable land for the cereal, but the fertile plaine of the Alagón always was like that. Today, against, nature is the owner of the area, which distinguishes the place where the ruined houses lie.
The farm, which belongs to the Riomalo center, is exploited for the production of organic foods that are used in the Riomalo Restaurant.
Olive trees, especially, have a huge interest, since some specimens are thousand-year-old and they twist their trunks in a so unlikely way, adding more beauty to the place.