Welcome to Riomalo Rural Tourism Complex, one of the gateways to Las Hurdes, a point from which to begin unforgettable routes through our beautiful region.
We offer everything you need to make your stay a perfect complement of your leisure activity. Our rural complex offers the possibility of sleeping in a campsite, in a hostel, in apartments or in bungalows of wood or stone, and of enjoying the excellent cuisine that prepares our famous restaurant. Of course, you count on our advice, booklets and road books to make your stay unforgettable.
If you are part of a group or an association, we have a holiday package prepared specifically for groups. You only have to clik on ·Riomalo Group", on the left, to know our proposals.
Please click on the links to learn more about our center. Please, contact with us if you need more information, by phone, e-mail or the form whose link you can find on the left. Welcome, again and enjoy our web experience.